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About Us - flamelessfireside
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How We Got Started

After going through a painful divorce, like many other LDS singles Everett turned to Facebook and other dating groups in an attempt to meet other singles. It quickly became apparent that there were many who were still struggling from the pains of previous relationships. All too often those struggles would lead to contention online rather than attempts to understand where the other person was coming from. The idea of creating a podcast where singles can openly discuss issues surrounding past traumas, and current singles’ issues was created to help foster better understanding and a sense of hope for those who feel alone in their struggles. Being a single member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be difficult and confusing for those who have never experienced it for themselves. The hope with this podcast is that we can bring light to some of the common problems that singles face. Many have found hope and peace knowing that they aren’t alone in their journey. Everett and Celeste currently co-host with others on the Flameless Fireside Podcast where they hope to be able to help with the singles of the Church who are also looking for answers and help navigating the often lonely world of being single in the Church.


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Come and met LDS Singles all over the world discuss topics in real life situations as a LDS Single.
© LDS Flameless Fireside Podcast 2023